- How to pay respects in the correct manner
- Start by making your way through the wooden torii gate
- Proceed down the majestic pine lined path leading to the shrine
- Cleanse yourself at the temizuya (手水舍)
- From the copper torii gate to the sacred area
- Finally, we come to the main shrine!
- Greetings to the auxiliary shrine
- On the north side, the main shrine is much closer
- Meet Daikoku-sama at the Shokokan
- Worship from the front of the gods
Izumo taisha (出雲大社) Shrine in Izumo City, Shimane (島根) Prefecture, has the largest main shrine building in Japan. It is widely known as the god of love and marriage and attracts many worshippers from all over Japan. In this issue, we introduce a guide to walking around the shrine grounds and shrine precincts of Izumo taisha. Follow the correct route along the approach to the shrine, and visit the main shrine and the surrounding shrines and sub-shrines.
How to pay respects in the correct manner
Start by making your way through the wooden torii gate
Enter the grounds from the Seidamari (勢溜) torii (鳥居), the main gate of Izumo taisha Shrine. On the way to the shrine, you will see a harai no yashiro (祓社, purification shrine) on your right. Visit the shrine to purify your body and soul.
Proceed down the majestic pine lined path leading to the shrine
The path continues. Avoid walking in the middle, which is is where the gods pass through. It is customary to walk on the left side towards the main shrine on the way there and on the right on the way back.
Cleanse yourself at the temizuya (手水舍)
Wash your hands and rinse out your mouth at the temizuya (手水舍) to rid your body of evils and prepare for worship. There are also large bronze statues of Okuninushi no Mikami (大国主大神) on the east and west sides of the temple.
From the copper torii gate to the sacred area
A rough fence surrounds the copper torii gate, indicating entry to the sacred area. The hall of worship is in the foreground and the main shrine in the back. The grand roofs are visible in a row.
Finally, we come to the main shrine!
The main hall of worship are visited in the Izumo-taisha manner of ‘Nirei shihakushu ichirei (二礼四拍手一礼; two bow, four claps, one bow)’. The backdrop of Mount Yakumo (八雲山) is picturesque and beautiful.
Greetings to the auxiliary shrine
From the main shrine, walk anti-clockwise around the zuigaki (瑞垣) to worship at the scattered regent and end shrines. The moss-covered cypress bark roofs of the nineteen shrines seem to speak of time.
On the north side, the main shrine is much closer
As you walk around the outside of the zuigaki and come to the north side, the back of the main shrine is closer and more majestic. The grove of trees are dotted with statues of rabbits, which are very charming.
Meet Daikoku-sama at the Shokokan
The Shokokan (彰古館), standing north-west of the main hall, previously housed the treasures of the shrine. It is a quaint Taisho period building. It is lined with a number of dedicated Daikoku-sama (大黒様).
Worship from the front of the gods
There is a small place of worship on the west side of the zuigaki. It is perfect if you also worship here directly in front of the west-facing goshinza (御神座 = where the gods reside) inside the main shrine!
Photo by Shinohara Hiroaki (篠原宏明)
◆ Izumo taisha (出雲大社)
Address 195 Kizukigashi, Taisha-cho, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture
Official website
This article is translated from https://intojapanwaraku.com/rock/travel-rock/1155/